Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Remember the Lamppost

Remember the Lamppost

Silence fills the atmosphere 
Surrounding the lamppost bright
A single girl, standing alone
By the ring where blackness turns light
Rain begins drizzling lazily 
Her umbrella sounds a beat
Examining the world beyond her post
Longing for the sound of his feet
The flirtatious wind tousles her hair
To the post, she snuggles close
Hours have past and the more she stands
The more she loses hope
He said he'd come, but t'was a year ago
So maybe he'd found a girl
More elegant and lovely than she
And he realized that he preferred her
Maybe she was just silly and dumb
Standing like a fool in the rain
And just as she turned, she caught sight of his form
Running, shouting, "You came!" 

School's Out!

This post is solely to let you know that the school year is over and, though I may not be in highschool anymore, I will probably still be writing! I might post more on my other blog than this one, (It's Just Me) but I don't know yet. I haven't decided.

So anyway, I may not have all the responses to the poems and such, but you can totally ask what I was thinking if you want to!

Thank you for being a reader of mine. It's been a blessing.


Monday, April 15, 2013



An old, withered photograph
Captured the moment
He fell, forever, in love

I wrote this poem with the idea of an old photograph of a young girl. The story in my mind was a girl and a boy walking up a mountain, like on a day hike or something. She is laughing and he snaps a picture, but as he stares through the lens and her eyes look toward him, he realizes that this is the moment… This is the moment he started to fall…

Lonely Wanderer

Lonely Wanderer

I wandered,
Lonely as a cloud
Past the point
Where the sidewalk ends
To the road not taken
By one’s everyday man
Beyond the waste land
Where there is another sky

And I carry your heart with me
The poor ghost of your soul
Dancing alone
In this dream within a dream

This poem was also a title poem. The titles in this poem are “I wandered, lonely as a cloud”, “Where the sidewalk ends”, “The road not taken”, “the waste land”, “There is another sky”, “I carry your heart with me”, “The poor ghost”, and “ A dream within a dream”.

I’m not going to add anything about this poem down here. I really feel like this poem needs to simply be, and allow you to take it wherever you want to take it.

Poem Response 27

Somewhere I Have Never Traveled
e. e. cummings

somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which I cannot touch because they are too near
your slightest look easily will unclose me
though I have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose
or if your wish be to close me, I and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing
(I do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

“Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands”…
I like that.
There was  a movie, “I’ll be Home for Christmas” that I watched several times a year every year at Christmas time when I was a little bit younger. In it, there was a girl being chased by two guys, one of which (the main character) was always messing up with her, but you could tell he really cared for her. The other (the not-as-main character who you didn’t want her to end up with) was charming, but self-absorbed and didn’t care for her so much.
The girl ended up riding in the car with the not-so-main character. He asked what it was that she saw in *the main character dude*. She replied, “I don’t know… He does little things, like, one time, he took my hands and looked at me and said, ‘not even the rain has such small hands’.” Not-so-main character scoffed, but then saw it had meant a lot to her, so he brushed her hair back behind her ear and said, “not even the corn has such big ears.”

I loved. That. Movie.

Anyway, I truly like this poem. A lot. In every line there seems to be an amazingly new way to describe this girl… what a lucky girl, you know? To have someone so enthralled in her that he would even think to write something like this. “in your most fail gesture are the things that enclose me”. I love that! It’s so… alive! It’s more than romantic, I mean, chocolate and flowers are romantic, but that? That’s different. It’s more than infatuation too… It seems to me that the words of this poem are describing real love. The feeling side of it, anyway…. It’s a beautiful picture, and I hope that one day someone will be that enthralled with me; and I in him.

Monday, April 8, 2013

It Remains

It Remains

These seasons will change
As moments melt to the next
And one day these things
We call our own
Will be laid out in the trash
One day these tears we cry
From bitter hurts and pains
Will simply be a memory
Eclipsed by newfound joy
One day theses scars will be no more
And all hopes shall be met
Faith will have reason to live
And life will never end
And with this life forever,
Beautiful, and bright,
Will be the one that never ends
For Love
Will remain

"Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away." -1 Corinthians 13:8

Most everything will be gone one day.... Faith will have reason behind it, so it will be more than faith alone. Hopes will be fulfilled. But Love? Love will only grow. Forever. In eternity and even here on earth, love will only grow and become deeper as we get to know the Lord, Who Himself is Love, better.

Poem Response 26

A Minor Bird

I have wished a bird would fly away,
And not sing by my house all day;

                                                  Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more.

                                                      The fault must partly have been in me.
The bird was not to blame for his key.

                                                 And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song. 

-Robert Frost 

Found at: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/a-minor-bird/

Oh my goodness, I love this poem. I mean, sometimes it seems like I can get so caught up in something and forget what it is that I really love. I can end up killing the very joys I treasure! I get in my own way, and trip over my own feet, and if I'd just take a step back and realize that the things I'm over thinking and scrutinizing are really the things that make me happiest, then... I'd simplify my life. a lot. 

The last stanza is my favorite. I like the way he says it! "And of course there must be something wrong in wanting to silence any song".... It's perfect. And mesa like. A lot.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013



A new day was arising
The sun called to me
The world was alive

Dew covered the grass
Like tear drops of joy
A new day was arising

The sky was blue
Without a single cloud
The sun called to me

My toes squished in the dirt
I smelled the lilies of the valley
The world was alive

Now, granted, this is less than my favorite poem. But! I do like where I mind went as I wrote it. Read it over a few times... due to the form, I had a very limited number of words, but if you read in between the lines, I hope you can explore the world of new spring described in this poem.
I imagined waking up, and seeing the sun shining through my open window, getting up, walking, to find myself outside, barefooted. For some reason, I'm wearing some sort of nightgown... I don't wear nightgowns. They're gross. But for the sake of day dreaming, I'm wearing one... My toes are in the dirt, sinking in beside all the fresh flowers sprouting up from the mist-covered ground... there is a field, and as I turn my upraised face to the right, I see it. Lilies galore. I breathe. Peace fills the moment. Spring is here. The world is alive.




My life is in chains
Life; in a bottle
Seeking an escape

This poem was meant to express the simple yet extraordinary feeling of being trapped. I'd read the poem, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", and it left a certain impression on me. The assignment was to, again, make a poem out of titles from other authors. So, out of a page-long list, came this. The first three lines were titles, and the last line was from my own self. And now you know.

Broken Distance


Broken Distance

For a moment they stood
Silence filled the
Tranquil Twilight
Where the simple memory
Of a broken heart
Enveloped the distance
Between them

Where excitement once lived,
Ignited by starlit love,
Now stands
Only broken friends

The truth continues to dance
Proclaiming the change
Neither truly wanted

Tears begin to slip
She avoids his pained gaze
Her slender hand trembling
As she thought,
“My greatest fear came true
The day he whispered
“And still, we can be wrong…””

Doubt can be one of the scariest, hardest things to overcome. Every time we make a choice, especially a big choice, doubt tends to make its way into the folds of our minds. When we let it take root, it can ruin things- cause us to ruin things- that, when we are really honest with ourselves, we truly wanted to fight for.

I wrote this poem in class. The assignment was to write a poem using 3 of the 5 previously selected poem titles from each of our classmates. We had to have a poem title in at least every other line. As I looked over the titles, the title, “And still, we can be wrong…” stood out to me. The rest of the titles continued writing a story that filled the page within moments.
I didn’t think I’d like writing poems like this, by taking titles of other poems and making them into a totally different poem. But, I have really liked what I have written from this form! And that’s about all I’ve got! I hope you have a good day.
